1. Prior to the start of the nested for loops, the value of found is initialized to the element at row 0, column 0 in values and result is initialized to 0.The outer for loop iterates across all rows in values. The inner for loop iterates across the column indices of each row. When an element is located in the two-dimensional array that is larger than the current value stored in found, then this value is assigned to found and the column index is assigned to result. When the nested loop structure stops executing, the largest element in values is stored in found and the column in which that element was located is stored in result.
  1. The for loop assigns values to k from 0 to the last possible position in str at which check could appear, inclusive. In the body of the loop, the String a is assigned a substring of check that starts at position k and has the same length as check. If the substring a and check are the same, num is assigned k. When the for loop ends, num has the last value of k at which a match between the substring a and check was found or the index of the last occurrence of check in str.
  1. The outer loop will execute 4 times (because a two-dimensional array is equivalent to a one-dimensional array of the 4 rows). The inner loop will execute 4 times (because each row has 4 elements). The statement System.out.print(x + " ") will execute 16 times (because 4 times 4 equals 16).
  1. The code segment skips some elements of myList because the indexes of all subsequent elements change by one when a list element is removed.
  1. III only
  1. The method assigns the shortest string that occurs in any element of arr between arr[n] and arr[arr.length - 1], inclusive, to result[n]. The shortest string found between arr[0] and arr[3] is "of", so result[0] is assigned the value "of". The shortest string found between arr[1] and arr[3] is also "of", so result[1] is also assigned the value "of". The same is true for the part of the array that begins at index 2 and ends at index 3, so result[2] is also assigned the value "of". In the last iteration of the outer for loop, there are no values to consider after arr[3], so result[3] is assigned the value "spring".
  1. Option I is correct. The code segment uses a for loop to traverse the valueList array. The statement inside the loop calls the get method to access a Value object and then calls the getNum method to access the num instance variable. Option II is correct. The code segment uses an enhanced for loop to traverse the valueList array. The statement inside the loop calls the getNum method to access the num instance variable. Option III is incorrect. The code segment causes a compilation error because the getNum method must be called using the dot operator, not by passing the object reference as an argument.