As a student of AP Computer Science, I found the talk from CSUSM to be highly informative and relevant to my academic pursuits. The speaker’s emphasis on the importance of failure struck a chord with me, as I have often struggled with programming concepts and algorithms. Learning that failure is not only normal but can also lead to new opportunities and growth has been a reassuring message that I will carry with me as I continue to learn and develop my programming skills.

The speaker’s personal story of overcoming academic setbacks and pursuing a Ph.D. in material science was inspiring and demonstrated the value of perseverance and hard work. I appreciated their emphasis on the versatility of computer science and its applications in various fields, which aligns with the interdisciplinary nature of project-based learning which we emphasize in AP CSA through our PBL based projects. The speakers also discussed the importance of being able to collaborate with others which is another connection that I made to AP CSA because we need to be effective communicators in our teams in order to do well.

Furthermore, the speaker’s advice on securing internships and scholarships was invaluable, as I have been seeking opportunities to gain practical experience in computer science while also mitigating the cost of college. The various scholarship options and the Summer Scholars program that the speaker discussed have piqued my interest, and I plan to explore them further.

Overall, the talk from CSUSM reinforced my passion for computer science and its potential to make a positive impact in various fields. It also provided practical advice and resources that I can use to advance my education and career in this exciting field. There were many takeaways that related to AP CSA, and I hope to continue to apply these skills to the class.