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Test Corrections

Finals-Quiz 1


To solve this question, I can use the hexadecimal place conversion method : 56 in hexadecimal –> (16^0)*(6) + (16^1)(5) = 86 –> 86 corresponds to letter V on the table, which is answer C.


Using 6-bit binary sequences allows for 26 or 64 different items to be identified. Using 7-bit binary sequences allows for 27 or 128 different items to be identified. Thus there are two times as many items that can be uniquely identified.


The aggregation of information in browser cookies can be used by websites that the user visits to track the user and collect information about the user.


A packet is a portion of data that is transmitted over the Internet. The metadata is used to route the data or the packet on the Internet.


There needs to be an if else statement after the first expression.


If process X runs on one processor, Y and Z will run on the other, totalling 80 seconds.


Any line between two computers represents a way for them to communicate with each other, and a communication between two computers can go through other computers. If the links from F to G, from F to A, and from F to E were broken, it would not be possible for computers E and F to communicate.


1001 0100 will be the next number.


Removing the connections between C and F and between F and H will prevent devices A and F from communicating.


If a negative of the original image is made, each RGB triplet value will be computed by subtracting the original value from 255. The original value can then be restored by subtracting the new value from 255. This process is lossless because the exact original can be restored.

Finals-Quiz 2


Parallel computing solutions consist of a parallel portion and a sequential portion. When increasing the use of parallel computing in a solution, the efficiency of the solution is limited by the sequential portion. This means that at some point, adding parallel portions will no longer meaningfully increase efficiency.


Open-source software has source code that is released under a license that allows users the rights to use and distribute it. However, there is no guarantee that the original developer of open-source software will provide support for its users.


The two line graphs are roughly the same shape. Each value on the right line graph is about 10 times the corresponding value on the left line graph. Therefore, the average amount of data stored per user is about 10 GB.


Four bits can represent 2^4, or 16 pieces of information.


Citizen science involves members of the general public participating in scientific research. Distributing the image analysis work to a larger group of individuals allows the work to be completed in less time.


For each transaction, the data includes the date of the transaction and the number of items purchased in the transaction. By searching the data to find all transactions that occurred on the given date, and then adding the number of items purchased in each of those transactions, the total number of items purchased on a given date can be determined.


The desired information can be determined by using the student IDs in spreadsheet II to identify the students who play a sport. Once the students who play a sport are identified, the grade point averages of students who play sports in spreadsheet I can be compared to the grade point averages of all other students in spreadsheet I.